Network Security

Network Security


In today’s business environment with dangerous online threats coming from every direction creating and building strict and cohesive data security policies is a crucial element to every company’s strategic plan and strategy. From training programs to firewalls to regulatory compliance, the professionals at Network Solutions NYC have the expertise and insight to solve your company’s technical and executive information network security needs.

Here are some of the practices we adhere and provide to all of customers… as safety and security is an integral component to ensure that your data and information systems run efficiently and reliably.  The experts at Network Solutions are strict, diligent and overly attentive to the safety and security of your IT system.

Procedure Development

  • Staff Augmentation

  • Privacy Policies

  • Corporate Risk Management

  • Training in Security Awareness

Technical Services

  • Incident Response

  • Penetration Tests

  • Secure Network Design

  • Perimeter Defense

  • Interior Defense

  • Desktop-Lockdowns

  • OS and Active Directory Hardening

  • Procedure Development

Regulatory/Legal Services

  • Privacy Act

  • Graham-Leech-Bliley

  • SEC technology compliance

  • Related state-level data breach notification laws- SB1386

 We are strict, diligent and overly attentive to the safety and the network security of your Network

Contact the experts at Network Solutions (212) 419-4949, to discuss all the different methods and strategies we have in place to ensure that your business and your IT environment is working at its most optimum.  Your ‘IT peace of mind’ is a crucial ingredient to a satisfactory and cost effective network security.

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 Contact Us (212) 419-4949 for your Network Security needs.
