What would your response be if we asked you “How would you describe your company’s physical security posture?” Is your answer in line with what our responders had to say?

people using standard keycards

When asked “If you have an electronic access control system, what type of credentials are you using for employee access?” we were surprised to see the responses. In fact we were shocked. To see this answer and more, complete the form to download the full report.

Brivo and Facility Executive Magazine conducted a survey of facility and security managers to collect information on the access control challenges they face. We received over 300 responses from organizations of all sizes and across different industries. This gave us a diverse array of perspectives from professionals who manage and secure buildings with 50 to over 500 employees/tenants across the United States.

The survey results re-emphasised the need for facility and security professionals to identify threats and prepare organizations to lower their potential risk. In addition, the survey provides the facility and security directors’ outlook to the overlooked areas of access control.