About Network Solutions NYC

Network Solutions is an IT company full of tech geeks. Our strengths include being courteous and providing the fastest customer service in NYC. Many of the other companies may have good techs, but can you really say they have great personalities. We are geeks with personality and senses of humor. We have one goal, to make your computer network work seamless and smoothly every day of the year. If your IT environment is stress-free, we are happy geeks! That’s why we never sleep, eat or do lunch… we work for you so that your system is managed and secure.

Network Solutions NYC

With over 16 years of experience and hundreds of loyal customers…we will help your small business grow as we manage and protect your data, hardware and create software solutions that fit your budget and business.
We cater to small businesses. Why? Because we are a small business and we know what it takes to run one. We know the bottom line is to save money, time and create a stress free IT environment. We understand tight budgets, and trying to save money means utilizing high quality equipment that that doesn’t mean you can’t take a vacation this year. Our mandate is to create ‘IT peace of mind’ so you can spend your time doing what you need to do best – obtaining new customers and remaining competitive in today’s marketplace. We will improve your business by making your IT system efficient and your time spent more productive.

Guess what? We love our work! So don’t be surprised to see and hear happiness when we speak to you or come to visit, ready to solve your IT problems… big or small… We will analyze and solve all of your IT issues…with precision and dedication to detail. That’s what you can expect from the Network Solutions teams of experts. 

The team at Network solutions is here to help.

We are your ‘IT peace of mind’ network… Contact us and let us create an IT strategy that works and is stress-free. We’re experts at it!

Are you working harder than your computer?

We are here to change that. We are your ‘IT peace of mind’ network… Contact Network solutions NYC and let us create an IT strategy that works and is stress-free.